
School Usage Reports

Usage Reports are a powerful tool for insights into student progress and teachers activity. It's important to note the School wide reports  are only available to License Administrators with a School or District Premium License.

These reports are created weekly and at the end of the school year. This page describes the information included in each section of the report.


The Highlights section shows a quick overview of the usage on your license. Toggle between "Weekly" or "This School Year" to view stats for the past week or the full academic Year to Date. We currently use the US standard “school year” of July 1st - June 30th. 

  • Active Students: A count of every student who has signed in to XtraMath for your selected date range. A weekly report will include all students who have signed in during the previous week, while an annual report will count all students who used the program since July 1st.
  • Active Teachers: The total number of teachers with students who have signed in during the selected date range.
  • Operations Assigned: The total number of operations that the students have worked on within the specified timeframe of the report. A student who completed addition and has been assigned to subtraction will count as two operations toward the total. 
  • Student Practice Days: The collective number of days your students have signed in to practice XtraMath. A student signing into multiple sessions on one day will count as one practice day. A class of ten students who all sign in to practice on a given day will count as ten practice days.
  • Certificated Students: The total number of students who have earned a certificate by scoring 100 in at least one operation. A student will only count once toward this total even if they receive multiple Certificates.  

Student Progress 

This section provides a granular view of how far along your students are in their operations. For each operation you can see how many total students are assigned to it, as well as how close to completion they are. The report counts the number of students who have a fluency score of less than 50, at least 50, at least 75, at least 95, and a complete score of 100. 

There are two filters available for this data, Operation and Grade. Filtering by operation will allow you to select a group of operations (“All Addition” for example), or any combination of operation, problem set, and timer (for example: “Beginner Multiplication, 1.5 seconds”). Filtering by grade will allow you to view only students in a specific grade. (Please note that the grade level is assigned by the teacher independent of the student’s program, and does not provide information on the operations the student has been assigned or completed.)

Teacher Activity

Here you can review your teacher’s usage and the progress the students are making. The report presents all teachers by default. License administrators can enter a specific teacher name into the search box to find them quickly.

  • Active Students: The total number of students who have signed in during the date range of the report. A weekly report will include all students who have signed in during the previous week, while an annual report will count all students who used the program since July 1st.
  • Number of Operations Assigned: The total number of operations that the students have worked on within the specified timeframe of the report. A student who completed addition and has been assigned to subtraction will count as two operations toward the total. 
  • Total Days of Student Practice: The collective number of days your students have practiced XtraMath. A student signing into multiple sessions on one day will count as one practice day. A class of ten students who all sign in to practice on a given day will count as ten practice days.
  • Percent of Students with Awards: The number of students who have received any award, divided by the total number of students the teacher has. A student receives awards when they reach a fluency score of 50, 75, and 95 in their assigned operation. The metric shows how many students have reached a fluency score of at least a 50 in one operation.  A student with multiple awards will only count once towards this number.
  • Percent of Students with Certificates: The number of students who have earned a fluency score of 100 and received at least one certificate, divided by the total number of students the teacher has. A student with multiple certificates will only count once toward this number.


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