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Programs are how you choose the specific math fact operation(s) and settings that are assigned to each student.
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Principals and school administrators can unlock School Usage Reports for detailed insights into student progress and teacher activity, driving informed decisions.
Simplify teacher and student account management with seamless rostering integration for Districts using Clever SecureSync.
Enhance classroom engagement with engaging activities ready-to-print that celebrate and reward student achievement.
Teachers can choose a specific operation (like multiplication or division) & fluency threshold (from 12 to 1.5 seconds) for their students.
The “Assessments Only” mode provides a quick way to evaluate and predict grade-level achievement through the school year.
Gain useful into student progress and teacher activity.
More InfoTeachers can download printable math and STEM activities in English and Spanish for additional in-class and/or at-home practice.
Receive dedicated assistance for onboarding, troubleshooting, and ensuring your ongoing success.
Gain useful into student progress and teacher activity.
More InfoRostering is available via common integrations for ClassLink, Clever Library, or via spreadsheet upload.
Detailed information is available to educators to quickly and easily understand student achievement.
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