
What do you get with the Premium licenses?

For School Premium licenses, we offer additional administrative support, including rostering assistance and signed district data agreements. More school and district admin abilities will be added in the future. page features a chart comparing the different license types, highlighting the main benefits. Below is a detailed description:

  • Custom Programs and Assessments: Users can create customized learning paths by choosing a specific operation, defining the size of the problem set, and setting the fluency threshold. For example, a third-grade teacher may want her class to start directly with a multiplication program and adjust the fluency threshold to a shorter time, like three seconds.
    • Choose just the desired operation(s) for each student (e.g., assign just multiplication or subtraction followed by division)
    • Define the size of the problem set (beginning, regular, or expanded fact tables)
    • Set the fluency threshold (from 6 seconds down to 1.5 seconds)
    • Within the custom programs, the "Assessment Only" program is a diagnostic tool that provides a quick overview of a student's math skills across different areas. It is particularly useful for teachers to identify fluency gaps and plan targeted instruction in math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. How's it work?
  • Printables Student Activities: Educators can enhance their teaching toolkit with a variety of offline Math and STEM activities available in both English and Spanish. These printables perfectly complement the online program.
  • Priority Technical Support: Receive top-tier, prompt technical assistance to ensure a seamless educational experience for teachers and students.
  • Teacher Development Center: Elevate your teaching skills with our comprehensive training videos. These resources are crafted to improve classroom instruction and student learning outcomes.
  • Classroom Engagement Resources: Engage and motivate students with exciting, printable activities. Celebrate their achievements and foster a vibrant learning environment.
  • Comprehensive Reports - From School-Wide Overviews to In-Depth Student Progress Tracking: Detailed and easy-to-understand reports provided by XtraMath allow school administrators to effectively monitor and analyze both teacher and student usage. These insights empower administrators to make informed decisions aimed at enhancing math fluency within their schools.
  • School Usage Reports: This report is exclusively accessible to License Administrators with a School or District Premium License. School Administrators obtain valuable insights into student progress and teacher activity.
  • Advance Rostering: Available only for School and District Premium licenses; ClassLink and Clever Secure sync.

For School and District Premium licenses, we provide additional administrative support, including rostering assistance and signed district data agreements. Additional school and district admin abilities will be added in the future. for School and District Premium licenses.