
How do I read the progress reports?

There are three kinds of progress reports in XtraMath: student reports, class reports, and date reports. These are available in your online parent or teacher account. If you are the administrator of a school or district premium license, you will also have access to School Usage Reports.

You can choose to receive a weekly report email with a PDF version of the class report (for teachers) or student report (for parents). Sign in and go to your Account page to double-check or change your email preferences.

💡 If your student is using XtraMath while you’re viewing the online report, you’ll need to refresh the page to see their updated progress!

Student Report

The student report shows an individual student’s progress over time. It includes a calendar showing days of activity, the trophies and certificates the student has earned, and detailed information about their progress in each operation.


The calendar shows when the student has used XtraMath. Each day they logged in will have a colored icon. The specific icon and color shows roughly how the student did that day, based on how many facts they answered, the speed and correctness of their answers, and whether they completed a session.

đź’ˇ If you click a date with a colored icon, it will take you to the corresponding date report.
Student's Report Calendar


Below the calendar is a panel showing all the trophies and certificates the student has earned. It is automatically expanded whenever your student has a new trophy or certificate (earned within the last week).

Operation Details

Finally there are details about each operation the student has worked on. This includes the fluency score, a progress graph, and a fluency matrix.

Details about a specific operation

The score and matrix show the current state of progress. If the student doesn’t have a score yet for an operation, it just means they haven’t finished placement yet! It often takes a few sessions before placement is complete.

The matrix shows every math fact in this operation. The facts are color-coded so you can see which facts the students have mastered and which they need more improvement on.

Finally, the progress graph shows how the score has changed over time.

‍Class Report

The class report lets educators check progress for an entire class.

Today's Status

To the left of each student name is their status for today. There are icons for incomplete or in-progress sessions (gray arrow), completed sessions (green, yellow or red checkmark), and students who are done with their assigned program entirely (gold star). See the Icon Guide for the precise meaning of each icon.

The student's current status for today is shown to the left of their name

Current Operation

The column to the right of the names shows the operation each student is working on, as well as their current fluency score in that operation. If there is no score, it means the student has not yet finished their initial placement for this operation.

The inset number on the operation icon indicates the fluency threshold for this assigned operation, and its shade indicates the problem set:

  • White = Beginning
  • Gray = Regular (up to 9's)
  • Black = Expanded (up to 12's)

Next is a “sparkline”, or mini progress graph, showing how that score has changed over time.

This section shows the current operation along with its score
💡 Note that the sparkline and today’s status are not shown in the mobile app on small devices, due to space constraints.

Recent Usage

Finally, there are columns showing the last few days or week of activity, with today’s activity being furthest to the right. Each colored icon in these columns is clickable and will take you to the date report for that student on that day. These icons correspond to the most recent colored shapes on the student report calendar.

Usage icons

Green Circle = Answered at least 90% correct.

Yellow square = Between 10% and 25% of questions incorrect, or answered too few questions.

Red octagon = Over 25% of questions incorrect, or answered very few questions.

Gray hexagon = Signed in, but has not completed a full XtraMath session. Learn more: Why does the report show my student has “incomplete” sessions?

The last week of activity is shown (today is on the right)

Date Report

On the date report, you can see every question the student answered on a given day. The date report shows exactly how the student did during each activity, such as how many facts were attempted and how they were answered.

đź’ˇ This is more detail than you usually need (so these reports are not emailed weekly) but gives you an in-depth look into how the student is performing.
The date report shows every question answered

Answer icons

Smiley = Answered correctly within the fluency threshold. This depends on the program but is 6 seconds by default.

Green Checkmark = Answered correctly, but beyond the fluency threshold.

Red X = Answered incorrectly. The incorrect answer entered is shown.

Blue hourglass = No response given before time ran out and the correct answer was shown.

Moon = Idle time after the correct answer was shown.
