
My student’s fluency score doesn’t seem right

The fluency score is sometimes misunderstood. The score is similar to a percentage, but is not the same as a grade percentage used in the classroom. The program focuses on how many facts are being answered fluently out of all the facts in a specific operation.

To finish an operation, a student needs to reliably answer all the facts fluently. The score looks at recent performance, but not just the results from today. A student’s score will typically increase gradually over time, but bouncing up and down a bit is perfectly normal.

The daily percentages (on the date report) and the color of the icons on the calendar and progress graph do not directly affect the fluency score. Each colored icon on the calendar reflects all the problems the student did that day - including the practice activities, which do not affect the fluency score. And the percentages on the date report show only how the student did on the specific facts presented. A single activity rarely covers every single fact in the student’s assigned operation.

🍎 Example 1

Jackson had a score of 53, then answered 100% of his quiz questions correctly today. His score went up to 71, but it’s still not 100. However, if he keeps performing that well in his next few sessions, he may well reach 100!

🍎 Example 2

Emma has lots of green circles on their calendar and her score is 41. Even though each green circle on the calendar means she answered at least 90% of questions correctly, it doesn't indicate which questions those were… and she keeps missing the same set of facts.