
How can my class sign in?

There are multiple ways that students in your classes can sign in and access XtraMath. They can also use these methods in combination, for example a student might use the Classroom Sign In page at school, but Student Sign In at home.

Student Sign In

The Student Sign In page allows students to sign in with their basic XtraMath credentials:

  • Their name. It must be entered however it is listed in XtraMath — often only their first name, but sometimes a last initial is included.
  • Their teacher’s email address. We do not collect or store student email addresses, so this identifies your student out of the many others who may share their name. If you send home family flyers, and a student’s parent or guardian follows the enrollment instructions, the student can use that family member’s email address instead of yours.
  • Their 4-digit PIN. Students are assigned random PINs by default. Sign into your account on our website to access and print your PIN list (available on the left side of your online class report).

If using a 1:1 device or a computer at home, the student can check “Remember me” to make sign-in easier. Next time, the student can just click their name to sign in.

The Student Sign In page also has Clever and Google SSO (Single Sign On) buttons. These options are addressed in separate sections below.

The student sign-in screen (when no student is "remembered")

Classroom Sign In

If your students will be using shared classroom devices or computers, you may want to set up Classroom Sign In pages. These let students sign in by simply selecting their name from a list and entering their PIN. When a student is done with their session, the program picks another student to go next on the same device, making it easy for students to take turns with minimal teacher intervention.

💡The Classroom Sign In page relies on your browser’s LocalStorage to work. If your class uses devices whose local data is cleared nightly, the students should use a different sign-in method.

Set up instructions (website)

  1. Go to the Classroom Sign In page. If other teachers’ classes are already remembered in your browser, click Other… at the end of the list.
  2. Enter your email address and password.
  3. If you’re setting up multiple computers in your classroom, click Remember my network.
  4. Click Set up. This computer is now ready! You should see your classes listed, and when you select a class, its students are displayed. (From the classroom view, click Change Class to go back to the overview.)
  5. On subsequent computers, just click the (+) button to the right of your name, then click Done.
  6. When you’re setting up the last computer, click Forget my network before clicking Done. (But don’t worry! If you forget to do so, the network will be forgotten within a couple hours regardless.)
Step 2: Enter your credentials to authorize your classrooms
Step 3: Check "Remember me on this device" if you're setting up more devices
Step 4: Once set up, you will see your class list
Step 4: and on each classroom's page, the students are listed for sign in.
Step 5: On another computer (if you remembered your network) just click the add button
Step 6: When you're done setting up all devices, click "Forget my network"
Step 6: When you're done setting up all devices, click "Forget my network"


XtraMath has a rostering integration with Clever, implemented as an app in the Clever Library. See How can I use XtraMath with Clever?  for teacher setup instructions, and How can administrators manage the Clever integration? for the school or district’s management options.

Using Clever for student sign-in purposes mainly makes sense if students are typically signed into Clever already. It’s not recommended if your class is using shared devices, because students may sign into the wrong account accidentally.

Once your account is linked with Clever, students can sign in using either the XtraMath app within their Clever Portal or the Clever button on our Student Sign In page.


XtraMath has a rostering integration with ClassLink, which is set up at the district or school level. See How can administrators manage the ClassLink integration? for more information.

Using ClassLink for student sign-in purposes mainly makes sense if students are typically signed into ClassLink already. It’s not recommended if your class is using shared devices, because students may sign into the wrong account accidentally.

Once your account is linked with ClassLink, students can sign in through ClassLink directly or by using the ClassLink button on our Student Sign In page.

Google SSO

Students can sign into XtraMath using Google accounts, but note that we don’t currently have an integration with Google Classroom. This means that your class cannot be rostered through Google, and each student account must be linked individually.

Using Google for sign-in mainly makes sense if students are typically signed into Google already, for example if they use individual Chromebooks. It’s not recommended if your class is using shared devices, because students may sign into the wrong account accidentally.

The first time that a student clicks the Google button on the Student Sign In page to sign in, they will need to provide their XtraMath credentials. This establishes the link between their Google account and their XtraMath account. After that first time, it should work automatically.