
How can teachers share student progress with the student's family?

Teachers can share student progress in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas:

  • Teachers can send home family flyers. When a parent completes the enrollment process using their flyer, they will receive weekly reports of their student’s progress. This process also makes it easier for students to sign in at home (learn more below).
  • Teachers can print student reports, and share them during parent-teacher conferences.
  • Teachers can email or print out certificates to share the student’s successes in the program.

Family flyers

Why send flyers home?

We don’t collect student email addresses, but students do need to be linked to an adult’s account in order to use XtraMath. Their basic sign-in info is their name, their 4-digit PIN, and their teacher’s email address. (The classroom sign-in page already knows which class they’re in, so the email address is not needed in that scenario.)

However, when a parent or guardian gets a flyer and uses the enrollment code to enroll their student, the student now uses that family member’s email address (instead of yours) to sign in at home.

Linked family members can view their student’s progress, celebrate their achievements, and retrieve lost student PINs. Also, the student can keep using XtraMath even after your class expires at the end of the school year.

How to get the flyers

Flyers can be sent via email, or you can print or save a PDF.

💡 Flyers are customized to each student and allow access to student records, so double check that each flyer goes to the correct family!
  1. Sign in as a Teacher and Family
  2. From your class report, click Send flyers home.
  3. On the Print Flyers page, select the desired students and click Print. The flyer is available in multiple languages if needed.
  4. If you’d rather email the flyers, click the link in the blue box.
  5. Enter one parent or guardian’s email address per student. (It's also okay to leave it empty.) Scroll down and click Send.
Step 1: Click Send flyers home on the class report

Step 2: Once you've selected the students, click Print

Step 3: To email flyers, click the link in the blue box

Step 4: type in a single email address per student, then click send
💡 If you want to send a flyer to more than one family member for a specific student, send one batch of emails, then enter the second email address and send again.