
How can I print certificates for my students?

Whenever a student completes an operation with a fluency score of 100, they will earn a certificate. If you choose to receive email alerts, you will get an email whenever one of your students earns a certificate.

Sign in to your parent or teacher account and click a student’s name to go to their student report. Look for the Awards & Certificates section, and click it to expand its contents. All certificates the student has earned are listed on the right. Click the download icon to print or download an individual certificate.

💡 From this same section, click an earned trophy to view information about it, or even print a trophy coloring sheet for the student!
Each certificate is shown in the Awards & Certificates section of the student report

Teachers can print multiple certificates at once. Go to your class report and click Certificates on the left side of the page. Select the certificates you would like to print or download, and click the green Print button.

Most browsers will open the certificate PDF in a new tab (some older browsers may download it automatically). You can then either print or download the PDF. If you want to share the certificate with your student’s family, download it and attach it to an email to their parents or guardians, so they can celebrate their child’s accomplishment.

We also have blank certificates available. These can be used in situations where you want to give a student a certificate before they have finished an operation with a 100 fluency score. You can find these certificates on the Resources page in your account.