How can I attach my teacher account to a school or district Premium license?

When a school or district purchases a Premium license,, they will receive a Teacher Access Code. This code allows teachers to be linked to the Premium License. Upon signing in for the first time after creating a new teacher account, you will have the option to continue with a Free Basic license, purchase a Premium license, or enter your school or district’s Teacher Access Code.

If you enter the code, your account will be linked to the Premium License, providing access to all the Premium features such as offline resources and customer support.

When signing up, select "I have a Teacher Access Code"

If you already have an account, you can still attach yourself to the license with the Teacher Access Code:

  1. Sign into your teacher account and go to  My Licenses (Under My Account on the left side of your screen; if you don't see this tab refresh the page).
  2. Paste your Teacher Access Code into the field
  3. Click Activate.
Apply the Teacher Access Code.