XtraMath is now happy to offer Clever Secure Sync rostering to users with a premium school or district license.
To begin using Clever Secure Sync:
- First, sign into your XtraMath account and confirm your premium license is up to date for the current school year.
- Sign into your Clever dashboard and search for “XtraMath” to add our application. You will be asked to confirm that you have purchased XtraMath Premium, and also asked to share your desired start date. Clever’s step-by-step instructions for adding a new application and sharing data can be found here and here.
- After you submit the request via Clever, you will be able to track the approval process in your Clever dashboard. We will approve all requests for users who have purchased Premium licenses within 2 business days, or we will reach out to the contact listed in Clever if more information is needed.
Will using Secure Sync create new student accounts?
If your teachers were already using the XtraMath app in the Clever library to roster their classes, they will not notice any change when you switch from the library app to Secure Sync. However, teachers who are new to Clever will have new classes and students created when their account is added to Secure Sync - those new student records will not carry over data from the teacher’s previous rosters.