Teacher Guide

In this guide, you'll find everything you need to take your first steps into XtraMath.

Before you start

What’s the purpose of XtraMath?

XtraMath is an online math fact fluency program that helps students develop quick recall and automaticity of their basic math facts. Students with a strong foundation of basic math facts will have an easier time when they begin to tackle more advanced math, like fractions or algebra.Standards-aligned, XtraMath was designed for K-6 elementary school students but can also be used by older students for review or intervention. Students of all ages can benefit from XtraMath!

Technical Requirements

  • An internet-connected device with a modern browser. Javascript must be enabled.
  • Headphones are recommended in a public setting. The program includes short videos that instruct the student on what to do.

Educational Requirements

  • XtraMath does not teach students how to do mathematical operations. Instead, it helps students build their fluency and recall.
  • This means that it is very important that a student be able to solve a problem without time pressure before they practice it in XtraMath.